
























本研究は ***大学 ***学部 ***学科 ****研究室で行われたものです.本研究を進めるにあたり,ご指導,ご鞭撻を賜りました **** 教授, **** 准教授, **** 助教に深く感謝いたします.






Introduction of Japanese culture (about garbage and restroom during travel)


In this article, we will introduce to foreigners who have traveled to Japan how to dispose of garbage and how to use the restroom.

I’m living in Japan but I have traveled foreign country frequently. For example, USA, UK, Germany, Poland, Italy, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Korea, etc.

In Japan, the method of waste disposal and the use of restrooms is slightly different from foreign countries.

First of all, I will introduce garbage disposal.
While traveling in Japan, we sometimes want to dispose of trash such as drink bottles and food containers.

In Japan, we usually put garbage in the trash box.
Never throw it away on the roadside.
Trash boxes are often installed at stations, convenience stores and department stores.

We have to separate garbage that can be burned (paper such as tissue, wrapping paper for confectionery, etc.), cans and glass bottles, and plastic bottles.

It is easy to understand because the illustration is drawn like a photograph in the trash box.

However, in a big event, the trash box at the railway station may be removed. It may have been removed during the 2020 Olympics.

Throw away any garbage generated during your stay in the hotel’s trash can.

Recently, it has become a problem for overseas travelers to throw away their suitcases at hotels and airports.

When you purchase a new suitcase in Japan, ask the store where you purchased it for disposal.


Next, we will introduce the use of the restroom.

In your country, public toilets are often not free, but in Japan they are almost free.

There are restrooms at stations, department stores, restaurants and convenience stores.
In most cases, you can’t go to the restroom without entering the ticket gate at the station.

In the restroom, you can find information in multiple languages.

In nature parks such as Mt. Fuji, there are many charges.

If you are with a small child, don’t worry. This is because there are chairs as shown in the photo. You can keep a child at the chair.

Thank you.

Introduction of how to use local train in Japan (for beginers)

Hello!!, I’m MOTOHICO.


The Rugby World Cup 2019 is now being held in Japan.

Japan is very exciting now.

As you know, the Tokyo Olympics will be held next year.

I want foreign tourists who can come to Japan to enjoy Japan.

Since tourists often travel by train in Japan, we will introduce how to ride a local train.

Of course it is explained in the guidebook.

If you travel between large cities (eg. Tokyo and Osaka, Tokyo and Hakata), use the Shinkansen.

If you want to move faster, you can use an airplane, but full service companies (ANA, JAL) are more expensive than the Shinkansen.

Recently, LCCs ( Peach, Air Asia Japan, Jetstar Japan ) and independent airlines ( Skymark, Starflyer, Solaseedair ) have also been enriched, so there is a way to use them.

In the case of LCCs, there is a high possibility of moving cheaper than the Shinkansen.


When traveling in a city, use local lines or the subway lines.

There are two types of railway companies in Japan. In other words, the old national railway (JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku, JR Kyushu) and private railway (Keikyu, Tobu, Seibu, Hankyu, Hanshin, etc.).

When you get to the station, you need to buy a ticket. There is a price list on the ticket machine, so check the fare to the target station.
(US $ 1 is approximately 100 yen.)

After confirming the fare, purchase a ticket at the ticket machine. Ticket machines can display in English, Korean and Chinese.




Local ticket vending machines can only accept cash, and credit cards are often not accepted.

After purchasing a ticket, go to the platform through the ticket gate. Tickets will be collected at the ticket gate at the disembarking station, so do not lose them until then. If lost, you will have to pay a penalty.

Wait for the train when you get to the platform.

On the platform, there are LED monitor information on the destination and departure time.

Depending on the type of train (stops at each station, rapid service, etc.) depending on the railway company, the stand-by position of the platform changes. The information is also displayed on the LED monitor (in the case of a photograph, it means to wait in circles 1 to 6).

The train stops at a fixed position and the door comes to the standby position.

In Japan, you have to wait in line with the waiting position. This is manners. Never overtake the previous person and get on the train.
The person who gets off when the door opens is a priority. After this , you can take the train.


On the train, seats are given priority to seniors, pregnant women, and people with disabilities.

Every vehicle has a priority seat. Usually at the end of the vehicle.

Seats with this sticker are used especially by the people mentioned above.


By the way, buying a ticket every time you get on the train is cumbersome and time consuming.

An IC card can also be used as a ticketless method.

You can get IC cards in stations, IC cards have various names. For example, Suica, ICOCA, TOICA, PASMO, PiTaPa, etc.
You can purchase an IC card at the ticket machine at the station.

A deposit of 500 yen is required at the time of card purchase, but it will be returned when the card is returned. It can be returned at the ticket machine.

It is very convenient to charge the necessary amount with a ticket machine. This is because it is possible to pay fares for most restaurants, convenience stores and buses with this IC card.

When using the train, it is OK if you touch the IC card at both the boarding gate and the exit gate. Many Japanese are touching, so you can imitate.

If you want to obtain an IC card before entering Japan, contact me and send it by air mail in advance. You can move around Japan with your IC card as soon as you arrive. This will save your time.
We will charge the required amount in advance upon your request.

We can charge the necessary amount of money.

Payment must be made with PayPal.

Thank you.






9,10月から3月まで,大学側も次年度の学生獲得のための活動が本格化します.すなわち入学試験が始まるわけですね.私もいろいろな入学試験の試験監督や面接官を担当しました.この記事のタイトルは「大学入試の面接ではどのようなことを質問されるの? 」としました.だいたいどの大学でも入学試験でまずはじめに行われるのが「AO入試,推薦入試」です.これらの入試は一般的に面接があります.どういったことを質問されるか,受験予定の皆さんは大変気になると思います.noteに私の実際の経験を踏まえた質問リストと事前準備について書いてみました.興味があればぜひ読んでみてください.合格率がかなり上がると思いますし,当日の緊張も和らぐと思います.

First article !!

Hello!! I’m COHIMOTO. I’m living in Japan.

Former work was University researcher. Main field is mechanical engineering. I have Ph.D (Dr. Eng.).

Now I’m in a creator of convenient products for daily life.

Various article will be written by Japanese and English.